Punjabi Cultural Society
of Chicago Punjabi Cultural Society (PCS) is a not-for-profit community organization devoted to community building, promoting Punjabi culture, language, performing arts, healthy life style, and sports in the metropolitan Chicago area. |
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The annual Sikh Youth Symposium is being held on March 10,
Chicago sangat is requested to encourage all children 6-24 years of age to
attend the upcoming annual symposium for the Sikh youth. If you have not
heard about this symposium before, please bring yourself and your children
to listen to other children that are participating and encourage them to
participate next year.
As some of you already know, the children are grouped and assigned a book to
read according to their age level. They get a set of questions to base their
speech that varies in length from 5min for group 1, up to 9 minutes for group 5.
This speech will be presented in front of the sangat on March 10, 2001 at
Palatine Gurdwara sahib. The information about the details of the program is
available at the information desk.
The judges chosen are members of our community who perform this difficult task
out of total selfless love of our children and interest in the future of
Sikhism. The books are chosen very carefully appropriate to the age levels.
The children have the option to speak in Punjabi or English. Punjabi speaking
participants are given special cash prizes to encourage the use of Punjabi.
But the option of speaking in English does not have any negative effect on the
judgement process. The books are on Sikhism, Guru history and Sikh history.
Children not only learn about Sikh history and the life of the Gurus, but also
get practice in the art of public speaking.
The response has been very impressive in the past especially from the Chicago
sangat, and the children have gained a lot from this experience. All
participants will receive a certificate of excellence and a trophy. The
winners of this competition will go for zonal and North American Annual
competition. Please inform and encourage other children from your family and
friends to participate in this symposium for Sikh youth.
For more details or questions, please call or write to Simrat Kaur. E-mail: NSRS123@AOL.com.
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© 1993-2001 [Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago]. All rights reserved. Revised: April 03, 2001