Punjabi Cultural Society
of Chicago Punjabi Cultural Society (PCS) is a not-for-profit community organization devoted to community building, promoting Punjabi culture, language, performing arts, healthy life style, and sports in the metropolitan Chicago area. |
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Punjabi CulturalSociety of
Chicago Presents
The tenth of its seminar series
Topic of Discussion:
Sunday, December 17, 2000
12:00 Noon -1:30 PM
At S.R.S.Gurdwara Sahib,
Palatine Sunday School Area
1280 Winnetka St., Palatine, Click
here: MapQuest : Map Search Result
You are Cordially invited to attend.
SPEAKER:Pat Heinichen,
Dosimetrist, Radiation Oncology Center, Alexian Brothers Medical Center
"It won’t happen to me !!! What is a mammogram???
What is self
Pre-registration greatly appreciated· for further information,
please contact: Amarjit Kaur Atwal 847-564-4735
This is one of a series of P.C.S. sponsored workshops forYouth, Parents,
Women and Senior CitizensItfocuses on the critical issues facing the Punjabi
Community today.
Punjabi community will also be collecting games, money to take to Little City
Foundation in Palatine this Sunday Dec 17th 2000 at Palatine Gurdwara Sahib.
Little city provides services to disabled children of all ages. There are
about 10-15 children housed in 6 homes, Each home has different age groups.
We have list of games they have asked for and is posted at Gurdwara Sahib in
Palatine. If anyone wants to donate please contact PCS or Mr. Amolak Singh
Gidda at (847) 705-0434 or Mr. Sohan Singh at (630) 784-9174 or Bhai Mohinder
Singh at (847) 358-1117 or page Mr. Basati at 847-355-0600
Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago (PCS) youth performers will perform world
famous Punjabi folk dance "BHANGRA" at the on New Year Eve
celebrations in
Evanston on Sunday, December 31st at 6pm-7pm at YWCA Gym, 1215 Church St.
(Ridge & Church) in Evanston. The audience will also be taught Bhangra dance
steps for fun like a Bhangra 101 class. The program is also listed at City of
Evanston's website Click
here: First Night Evanston 2001 or browse
http://www.firstnightevanston.org/ stay tuned for details.
PCS also holds its weekly Boy scout meeting for the Gared 1st through Grade
8th, every Wednesday, 7pm-8pm at Palatine Gurdwara Sahib, for registration
contact Mrs Atwal at (847) 564-4735.
Rangla Punjab ‘2001 participant registration forms will be available at the
performances and also atYMCA, Palatine 12:30-2pm during Basketball practices.
2nd planning meeting will be held on Sunday, January 21st, 12noon, Children
team rehersals will kick off the same day. Final date to register for Rangla
Punjab '2001 has been extended to January 21, 2001. Punjabi Pages a community
resources directory will also be released at Rangla Punjab '2001 to be held
on April 14th at Gateway Theatre.
The Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago is a not-for-profit community
organization devoted to community building, promoting Punjabi culture,
language, performing arts, healthy life style, and sports in the metropolitan
Chicago area.
Directions to Palatine Gurdwara Sahib
here: MapQuest : Map Search Result
or browse the following
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© 1993-2001 [Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago]. All rights reserved. Revised: April 03, 2001