Punjabi Cultural Society 

of Chicago

Punjabi Cultural Society (PCS) is a not-for-profit community organization devoted to community building, promoting Punjabi culture, language, performing arts, healthy life style, and sports in the metropolitan Chicago area.

   P. O. BOX 1244, PALATINE, IL. 60078 , (847) 359-5PCS, (847) 359-1107 info@pcschicago.org

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More than 35,000 Dead !!!

Death Devastation and Destruction in Gujrat on January 26th


Destruction due to earthquake

Sufferers need your help

One of the survivor being saved

Left behind are chilling images of monumental destruction, injured, sick,

hungry and freezing cold men, women and children of Gujrat.

Please join us to show our solidarity, strength and moral responsibility

to our grief stricken fellow Indians.

Please attend the FUND RAISING DINNER being hosted by the

Gurdwara Sahib of Chicago (GSC), Devon Merchants

Friday, February 16, 2001, 7:00 p.m.

at Sher-A-Punjab Banquets

2525 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL. 60659

(773) 262-2080


Please donate generously to help the victims of Earthquake.

All the proceeds will go directly to help the victims.

Please write your generous tax deductible donation checks to

GSC-India Earthquake Relief Fund

For further information contact:

Balwinder Singh at A-One Carpets (773) 274-6969

Ramesh Vitha at Vitha Jewelers (773) 764-4735

E-mail Punjabnews@aol.com or SikhAmerican@aol.com



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©   1993-2001  [Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago]. All rights reserved. Revised: April 04, 2001