Punjabi Cultural Society 

of Chicago

Punjabi Cultural Society (PCS) is a not-for-profit community organization devoted to community building, promoting Punjabi culture, language, performing arts, healthy life style, and sports in the metropolitan Chicago area.

   P. O. BOX 1244, PALATINE, IL. 60078 , (847) 359-5PCS, (847) 359-1107 info@pcschicago.org

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PCS News Release:



Chicago: Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago (PCS), has announced to publish
the second edition of it’s directory "PUNJABI PAGES"
The directory will be released at PCS’s Vaisakhi cultural variety program
"Rangla Punjab 2001" on Saturday, April 14, 2001, at Gateway Theater in
Chicago.  The directory will be distributed free of charge to the community members.

"Punjabi Pages" similar to the white/yellow/commercial pages in the telephone
book, will include the addresses and phone numbers of the Punjabi community
members of midwest U.S.A., a list of community businesses and services
providers, government resources, and other useful general information.

“The new immigrants, visitors, or people in some sort of family, financial,
health, social, legal or immigration crisis have always felt the need for a
handy information book like Punjabi Pages,” said Mohinderjit Singh Saini, PCS
past president and coordinator of the project. “Our second edition will be a
bigger and better 411 for our community. Suggestions from the community
professionals and volunteers to work on this project are also welcome,” said
Harwinder Paul Singh Lail, PCS president.

P.C.S. is requesting other organizations of Chicago to provide information
about their purpose, services and contact information to be printed in
“Punjabi Pages.” Those willing to contribute an article or research data
regarding the Punjabi community in Midwest may also contactP.C.S.  Tidbits
like the first Punjabi in Chicago or the oldest, the richest, and the famous
“Punjabi Heerey” may be included after approval from the PCS publication
committee. A special attention will be given to include youth with
outstanding achievements.

Community members to be included in this directory are required to fill out a
short authorization form, at no charge.  The form is available from P.C.S.
via mail, e-mail, and fax. On line registration can be made at PCS web-site.
Last date to register is March 25, 2001. The previously registered names will
be duplicated unless the patrons contact us for the contrary.
Click here: On Line Registration for PUNJABI PAGES

Businesses and service providers can advertise  Punjabi Pages There are
opportunities for corporate sponsorships. Several sponsorship packages are
available, including the “Rangla Punjab” event and “Punjabi Pages”
combination package.
A regular full-page advertisement is $200, half-page $100, quarter-page $60
and business card size is $40.
To advertise Click here: Advertisement in Punjabi Pages
or browse https://members.tripod.com/pcsc/businessadvertisement.htm

P.C.S. is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting community building,
Punjabi culture, performing arts, sports, and attending to community's social
issues in the metropolitan Chicago area.

For further information please contact
(847) 359-5PCS  or (847) 359-5727, Fax: (847) 359-1107
P. O.  BOX 1244,  PALATINE, IL. 60078
P.C.S. E-mail Punjabnews@aol.com  
PCS Website: http://www.PCSChicago.org

or Click here Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago

PCS News Release prepared by:
Rajinder S. Mago
Patron, PCS


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©   1993-2001  [Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago]. All rights reserved. Revised: April 04, 2001